If you have any questions, call us and we will advise you and provide the best solution
0 800 50 50 88 +38(050) 811 0751 +38(096) 157 4416 +38(073) 482 2249
mayr therapy
We invite you to join the Mayer therapy group on September 16. The formation of the group is carried out from September 2.
Groups are formed depending on the number of days: 7, 14 and 21 days and the type of program: Basic and Premium.
Help by phone
0 800 505 088

"ARDEN PALACE MEDICAL RESORT & SPA" – a unique sanatorium-resort complex of a high European level

Healing mineral waters, clean air of the Podilsky Tovtr, our professionalism and hospitality contribute to the effectiveness of the therapy
Read more about therapy here
A unique technique of Mayr therapy
"ARDEN PALACE" offers guests a unique method that combines dietary nutrition, laboratory and instrumental examination of the body, medical procedures, thanks to which, even in a short time, you can carry out a complete cleansing of the body, normalize metabolism, achieve a sustainable reduction in body weight, significantly improve your physical condition and mental health. 
in more detail
Mayr Prevent therapy 
aimed at:
  • Active preservation of health;
  • Improvement of general condition;
  • Recovery and treatment of digestive and metabolic disorders;
  • Detoxification of the body;
  • Getting new energy from the right food for good health.

the presence of an official certificate of the owner

"ARDEN PALACE" is a medical center that has received official worldwide confirmation of the quality of services for Mayr therapy - a unique method of cleansing the body, which is aimed at normalizing metabolism, restoring the work of the digestive system and improving the general condition of the body.

This is a safe and natural method of treatment

which only benefits your body, namely: 
  • Cleansing from toxins;
  • Weight loss;
  • Rejuvenation;
  • Increase in muscle tone;
  • Improvement of skin and hair condition;
  • Positive psycho-emotional state and normalization of sleep;
  • Increasing vitality and work capacity;
  • Continuation of active longevity.

Spa procedures and fitness to accelerate the effect

and increasing the effectiveness of Mayr therapy in "ARDEN PALACE"
a reminder of healthy eating
  • Start your day with 1-2 glasses of warm water and don't forget to drink water throughout the day.
  • It is optimal to have 3 meals without snacks (minimum intervals between meals of 3-4 hours, between dinner and breakfast 12 hours). 
  • Eat food slowly, without gadgets and chewing thoroughly.
  • Food should bring pleasure, so make a varied menu where you will like the aesthetic appearance, taste, smell, structure of the dish.
  • Try to reduce the amount of added sugar in your diet (sweets should be consumed with the main meal or replaced with fresh berries and fruits).
  • A balanced, varied diet (recommended: 1/2 plate of vegetables and fruits).
  • Use the 80 to 20 principle (80% - products for benefit, 20% - for pleasure).
  • Physical activity is important at any age (exercise whenever possible and 10,000 steps every day).
  • High-quality sleep (it is very important to have quality rest and energy).
  • It is important to take care of your mental health (overeating due to stress and "eating" your emotions are very common phenomena).

Specialists of the direction
