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Mayr medicine

This is a separate direction of preventive and prophylactic medicine, aimed at improving the health of the whole body through cleaning and improving the intestines.
Why the intestines? The human intestine is the ROOT of the body, through which we receive nutrients and water, and remove toxins and harmful waste.
It is the "clogging" of the intestine and its failure that leads to internal intoxication of the body, deterioration of nutrient absorption, the development of metabolic disorders, and, ultimately, to weight gain and the development of diseases. It is from the intestine that the aging process of the body begins due to the aging of the microbiome.
Stress, improper nutrition, bad habits all lead to intestinal dysfunction and imbalance of the whole body.

Dr. Mayr's method

this is a long-known and popular method of disease prevention and early aging of the body in Europe, based on a unique combination of procedures and diet that stimulate three important biological processes in the body:
  • Normalization of metabolism;
  • Maximum assimilation of nutrients;
  • Regeneration of tissues at the cellular level through cleaning and establishing the proper functioning of the digestive tract;
  • Decontamination and removal of toxins;
  • Increasing vitality and work capacity;
  • Continuation of active longevity.
History of the method

The author of the method is the Austrian doctor and scientist Franz Xaver Maer, who showed interest in science and medicine from childhood and studied gastroenterology at the University of Graz. For the purpose of study, he visited Paris, Nancy, Dresden, Berlin, London, Naples, Rome, where he sought confirmation of his theory about the relationship between health and longevity with body structure, diet and intestinal function. Back in 1915, he first presented his theory about the benefits of therapeutic fasting. Practicing in Vienna, Karlovy Vary, he published scientific works and gave lectures all over the world. All his life, Franz Xaver Mayr tested the methods of cleansing the body and therapeutic fasting. Mayr's patients included such famous people as Henry Ford, Baron Etmond de Rothschild, Chancellor of Germany Konrad Adenauer. Thus, in the course of scientific research and practical experiments, a method of dietary nutrition appeared, which allowed to normalize the work of the digestive tract, detoxify and improve the health of the entire body.

The three pillars on which Franz Xaver Mayr's method of therapy is based are rest and psycho-emotional relief, natural detoxification and rational dietary nutrition. Spa treatment in the Arden-Palace sanatorium according to the Mayr's method is optimal due to the combination of unique natural resources, the healing power of Zbruchanska mineral water, classic spa methods, a huge arsenal of the most modern physiotherapeutic and SPA equipment, and the opportunity to pay full attention to yourself and your loved ones in peace and quiet. health

the program includes
  • Diagnostics and therapeutic visceral massage according to the Mayr method, full support of a Mayr therapist, monitoring of condition and progress, training and further recommendations;
  • Full CHECK UP of the body: medical examination and body measurements, laboratory and instrumental examination, consultation of a narrow specialist;
  • Comprehensive consultation of a nutritionist with the development of an individual menu and recommendations on proper nutrition to further support the body in good condition;
  • Dietary nutrition and training in the culture of proper eating, which is the basis of therapy;
  • Treatment with mineral waters of the Zbruchan field;
  • A complex of medical and physiotherapeutic procedures that help cleanse the intestines, increase oxygenation and strengthen the body;
  • Aerobic exercises, Nordic walking and hiking along circuit routes;
  • Individual sports training in the fitness room, yoga, aqua aerobics in the pool;
  • A complex of SPA care procedures
The technique is not only useful, but also absolutely safe. The Mayr therapy course will help you not only to lose excess weight, cleanse the body of toxins, heal and rejuvenate it, but also to get new energy from the right food for good health and ensuring active longevity.
For who
is this course
  • Adiposity;
  • Metabolic disorders, gout, type 2 diabetes;
  • Pathologies of the digestive system;
  • Liver and gallbladder disorders;
  • Diseases of the urinary system, urolithiasis;
  • Weakened immune system;
  • Prolonged stress, high fatigue, sleep disturbances;
  • Headaches, migraine;
  • Allergic diseases, neurodermatitis;
  • Skin problems;
  • Frequent flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, etc.

Contraindications for the course

Acute and chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation, pregnancy, lactation, diabetes mellitus type 1, hyperthyroidism, mental diseases, conditions after surgical treatment for at least a year, somatic and oncological diseases in the stage of decompensation.