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Оздоровчий комплекс

health restoration center "arden palace"

Taking care of the body is the key to good health

A powerful medical center where you can undergo a full medical diagnosis, consultation of leading doctors of various specialties, combined treatment and recovery, as well as procedures for rejuvenating and cleansing the body.

Healing medicinal-
mineral waters

The mineral waters of the Zbruchansk deposit: "Zbruchanska" and "ROPA" according to the conclusions of the Odesa Research Institute of Spa Resorts and Physiotherapy are unique and have a wide therapeutic effect. "ROPA" - chloride-bromine water of high mineralization of the Zbruchan field with a salt content of 42 mg/l.


Improves the allocation and removal of bile, gastric and pancreatic secretions
It is used in complex cardiorehabilitation programs
Lowers the level of glucose in the blood in type II diabetes
Improves blood circulation in the bone marrow, which promotes the removal of radionuclides
It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect
Improves metabolism in the body
ARDEN PALACE takes care of its guests by creating maximum comfort and coziness. For you, we have created a convenient and modern pumping station, which contains medicinal waters of the Zbruchansky deposit: "Zbruchanska" and "ROPA". Water to the pumping station is supplied through a specially constructed mineral pipeline directly from the wells. You have a unique opportunity to improve your health every day by drinking spring water, regardless of weather conditions and without leaving the complex.
spa complex
an exclusive corner for recovery
Discover unique wellness programs to improve well-being and recharge.
in more detail