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We invite you to the sanatorium-resort treatment of endocrinological diseases at the prestigious ARDEN PALACE Medical Center. Our team of qualified doctors and medical specialists has many years of experience and is ready to provide you with the highest standard of medical care.

Our resort complex is located in a picturesque place, surrounded by a natural park and mineral springs. You will have the opportunity not only to improve your health, but also to take a break from the noise of the city and enjoy the peace and harmony of nature.


  • Diabetes mellitus of the first type, of average severity, compensated
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus, mild or moderate course, compensated or subcompensated
  • Violation of tolerance to carbohydrates
  • Alimentary-constitutional obesity of I-II degrees (body mass index - up to 40). Patients with obesity of the III degree (body mass index - 40-45) with moderately expressed complications due to the effectiveness of conservative treatment
  • Thyroid disease associated with iodine deficiency and similar conditions of mild and moderate severity in the stage of compensation
  • Mild and moderate thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism) in the stage of medical compensation (spring, autumn and winter)
  • Hypothyroidism

"ARDEN PALACE" Medical Center - embodies the latest achievements in the field of global diagnostics.

Our services for endocrinology patients include:


  • general blood test
  • general analysis of urine
  • biochemical blood tests
  • Glycosylated hemoglobin
  • lipidogram
  • protein fractions
  • immunological, allergological
  • hormones, tumor markers
  • vitamins, macro and microelements of blood
  • comprehensive evaluation of hemostasis


  • Ultrasound examination of organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space
  • echocardiography of the heart
  • peripheral vessels of the two lower extremities
  • peripheral vessels of the two upper extremities


  • bioimpedancemetry "InBody 770"
  • electrocardiography 12-channel ECG
  • daily ECG monitoring (Holter monitoring)


  • doctor-endocrinologist
  • cardiologist
  • dietitian doctor
  • medical doctor
  • neuropathologist
  • doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine
  • physical therapist



  • drinking treatment with mineral water "Zbruchanska" type "Naftusia" #1 and #2

Manipulation office

  • subcutaneous injection
  • intramuscular injection
  • intravenous injection with one drug
  • intravenous injection with several drugs

Day hospital

  • intravenous drip administration of medications


  • therapeutic hydromassage baths "Aquadelicia"
  • pearl baths "Aquadelicia"
  • two-chamber bathtubs "Aquamanus", "Aquapedis"
  • four-chamber galvanic bath "Worishofen"
  • underwater shower massage
  • shower Charcot "Aquabella II"
  • circular shower
  • rising shower

Heat treatment

  • applications with Sivash mud
  • applications with Kuyalnitsky mud
  • applications of blue clay
  • ozokeritoparaffin treatment

Physical therapy

  • drug electrophoresis
  • electrostimulation "Soleoline GALVA"
  • high-tone therapy "HiToP 1 touch"
  • TEKAR therapy "Thermo TK"
  • scanning laser therapy "Medic-2K"
  • intravenous laser irradiation of blood "LIKA-Therapist M"
  • point laser therapy "OPTRON"
  • pulse magnetotherapy "Dimap V"
  • functional magnetic stimulation "TESLA Former FMS"
  • darsonvalization "Korona"
  • ultrasound therapy "Soleoline Soleo Sono"
  • UHF inductothermy "Enraf Nonius Curaplus 670"
  • electrosleeper "HiToP 1 touch"
  • pressotherapy "Green Pres 12"
  • ultraviolet irradiation "UGN-01M"

Therapeutic massage

  • neck-collar area massage
  • massage of the lower extremities
  • massage of the upper limbs

Dry carbon dioxide baths "DGB-CO2"

Carboxytherapy "INDAP Insuf"

Oxygen therapy "KSOC-5"

Intravenous ozone therapy "Hyper-Medozon comfort"

Hydrolaser irrigation of the gums "LIKA-Therapeut M"

Hydrocolonotherapy "Colon-Hydromat comfort"

Microclysms with medicine

Kinesiotherapy - rehabilitation hall

Terencourt - walking health routes

Treatment procedures and disease prevention methods used at the "ARDEN PALACE" Medical Center are aimed at ensuring a life full of health and energy. After undergoing treatment with us, you will achieve:

  • improving the quality of life;
  • recovery of health;
  • elimination of the pathological process;
  • prevention of complications and relapses;
  • restoration or compensation of lost functions;
  • prevention of loss of working capacity.

Do not postpone your health for later! Choose the "ARDEN PALACE" Medical Center for the best treatment of endocrinological diseases and rest in one place. Your health is our concern!
