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Оздоровчо-лікувальні програми медичного центру "ARDEN PALACE"

In addition to the latest technologies and the most modern methods of treatment, we offer an individual approach to everyone.

Wellness programs developed by our qualified specialists in the best traditions of resort science are based on the latest achievements, diagnostic, treatment and SPA technologies. Each program is filled taking into account your state of health and adjusted by a doctor to achieve maximum results.

Our services include a complete medical examination, consultations with doctors of various specialties, and individual programs for weight loss and health improvement of the whole body. We understand that each patient is unique, so we work to provide the most effective and individualized program for your specific health condition.

  • Our team consists of qualified and experienced specialists who will help you improve your health and ensure excellent well-being. We are proud of our successful results and the trust of our customers who return to us again and again.


Special wellness programs have been developed at the "ARDEN PALACE" Medical Center:

"BODY SCULPTOR" PACKAGE in more detail SANATORIUM AND HEALTH PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN in more detail Anti-aging program in more detail Sanatorium and health program in more detail Check up організму in more detail "Antistress" program in more detail EXPRESS DETOX PROGRAM in more detail "INTENSIVE" DETOX PROGRAM in more detail ПРОГРАМА “ПОДАРУЙ БАТЬКАМ ЗДОРОВ’Я” in more detail "ART-FEMIN" PROGRAM in more detail Відновлення після пологів у преміальному санаторно-курортному комплексі Arden Palace in more detail "GYNECOLOGICAL RESTORATION OF AGE CHANGES" PROGRAM in more detail THE AESTHETICS OF INTIMACY PROGRAM in more detail WOMEN'S HEALTH PROGRAM in more detail "FAMILY WEEKEND" PROGRAM in more detail