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Check up організму

Duration: 2-3 days
Objectives: Rapid comprehensive diagnosis of the entire organism in 2-3 days.

"Check-up" program

The program includes a set of consultations and analyzes to determine the state of health. Get your body checked out and go to restore strength and relax in the Aqua Zone.

Expected effect:

  • analysis of health quality
  • optimization of the psycho-emotional sphere and biorhythms of human activity.

All research at ARDEN PALACE undergoes double confirmation - technological and medical. The ARDEN PALACE quality control system is based on the principles of international standardization of all stages of laboratory research (ISO), analysis of the results of internal laboratory quality control and external quality assessment.


  • Hematological studies
  • Biochemical research
  • Hormonal studies
  • Immunological studies
  • Urine examination
  • Examination of feces
  • Sperm research
  • Microscopic, cytological studies
  • Dysbiotic conditions of the intestines and vagina: femoflor, screening
  • Diagnosis of infectious diseases
  • Genetic tendencies

The analyzers used in the laboratory are united by the unique information system CGM Analytix (PROFDOC LAB AB, Sweden), specially adapted for ARDEN PALACE in Ukraine. Analytix provides registration, reliable storage and quick search of research results. Control cards (Levy-Jennings, USA) are used to constantly monitor the stability of the analytical system.

Collection of biomaterial in medical offices is carried out using modern Vacuette vacuum systems (Greiner Bio-One, Austria). All tubes with biomaterial are coded for registration when entering the laboratory complex. From the moment of registration, test tube data are automatically entered into the information system, which allows you to track all stages of research for a specific patient and create a single document with their results.

The doctor has the right to adjust the composition and number of procedures depending on the patient's age and individual condition. It is possible to appoint additional examinations and procedures, for a separate fee, if there are no contraindications. Food is served in the room according to medical indications. Additional examinations and procedures are paid for by vacationers according to the price list for medical services. A doctor on duty is on duty 24 hours a day in the sanatorium.

The term of stay is from 1 day.

*the cost of the program is indicated without taking into account the price of food and accommodation.


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