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Roman steam room

The Roman steam room is a room lined with marble and decorated with mosaic ornaments, with a heated floor and sunbeds. A modern Roman bath is warm, even hot: the air temperature in it is 45-55 degrees. Thick, soft steam, the humidity of which is close to one hundred percent, fills the room so that visitors are practically invisible in the steam. Thanks to this combination of temperature and humidity, the body warms up and cleans itself well, with abundant sweating.

Steam room of this type has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of the body:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory, thermoregulatory and endocrine systems is normalized;
  • muscle and nervous tension is relieved;
  • work capacity and vigor are restored;
  • skin elasticity increases;
  • excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling, etc. are eliminated.

Such a procedure also brings a lot of benefits to the skin - the pores are opened, dead cells are removed; it is cleansed, becomes more elastic, elastic and acquires a young and fresh appearance.
